Monday, February 20, 2023

Portfolio Project


On the timeline, week three has a couple of things to be checked off. I think I did a pretty good job last week with week two, so let's get straight into what needs to get done. The first was "think about who could play possible characters."

Ashley and Sophia, two of my closest friends, both have never acted before. I'm gonna try and train them because I don't really have access to anyone else and I know their schedule will work with mine. Slightly excited because they're best friends so I know they will have good dynamics and are both exceptionally captured on camera. 

Next on my checklist is "reach out to these people and see if they're interested."


This blog is going to be a little short because I have a big one coming. By week three, I was supposed to have finalized my story. Although I can't promise that, I have a very good plot in the making. 

ms. spielberg

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Portfolio Project

WEEK TEN: FINAL POST Film and postcard : Instagram : @bornblinkgone signing out, ms spielberg